• Address Ghora Gali, Murree, Pakistan
  • Timing July 10-12, 2024

First International Conference on Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry

Instructions for Oral Presentation

Presentation Guidelines

Instructions for Oral Presentation

Presentation Time:

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation of 10-15 minutes and better save it as PDF on a removable medium.

Original Research Work:
  • Present original research only.
  • Avoid plagiarized or previously published content.
  • Properly attribute any previously published data or ideas.
PowerPoint Presentation:
  1. Template and Layout:
    • Use a professional, visually appealing template.
    • Ensure consistency in font styles, sizes, and colors.
    • Limit text to key points, using bullet points or concise phrases.
    • Incorporate high-quality visuals like graphs, charts, images, and videos.
    • Maintain a clean, uncluttered layout. Use animations and transitions sparingly.
  2. Presentation Sections:
    • Introduction (2-3 minutes):

      Brief overview of the research topic and its significance.

    • Methodology (3-5 minutes):

      Describe the research methods used. Highlight key procedures and techniques.

    • Results (4-6 minutes):

      Present major findings using visuals like graphs and charts. Interpret the results briefly.

    • Conclusion (1-2 minutes):

      Summarize the key points. Discuss implications and possible future research.

  3. Use High Contrast Colors:
    • Color Selection:

      Choose high contrast colors for readability, e.g., black text on a white background. Avoid low contrast combinations like light gray text on a white background.

    • Contrast Ratios:

      Use online tools to ensure a minimum contrast ratio of 4.5:1 for text and background. For larger text (18pt or 14pt bold), a contrast ratio of 3:1 is acceptable.

    • Color Vision Deficiencies:

      Ensure information is not solely conveyed through color. Use labels, patterns, or textures to differentiate information.

    • Testing Colors:

      Test chosen colors on various backgrounds and in different lighting conditions. Consider how colors appear on projector screens and computer monitors.

  4. Maintain Consistency:

    Use a limited, consistent color palette to avoid overwhelming the audience and maintain a professional appearance.


Contribute to Sustainable Solutions

All submitted abstracts will undergo a thorough peer-review process by experts in the field. Following the review, selected abstracts will be published, contributing to the dissemination of noteworthy research in the conference proceedings. Authors of the selected abstracts will be notified via email. Submit Abstract